Thursday, February 27, 2014

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Why Health Equals Wealth

By: Unknown On: 10:19 AM
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  • Why Health Equals Wealth

    I have always believed that the best way to ensure your well-being is to not pinch pennies when it comes to your health.
    On the surface, choosing to live a healthy lifestyle can seem expensive. After all, the costs do stack up: A gym membership, training sessions, high-performance workout clothing, organic foods, and high-quality supplements can take a big bite out of your monthly budget.
    Hear me out, though.
    When I speak with people about the cost of fitness facilities, I often hear that the gym where they would like to train is too expensive, so they opt for a less pricey facility. However, by cutting that corner, you may be sacrificing convenience. If you splurge on a gym that’s closer to your work or home, you’ll go more often and have more time on your hands. Isn’t that extra time worth an extra $20–40 a month? Paying for convenience is always well worth the cost.
    Now, let’s talk training. Hiring a trainer may seem extravagant, but training sessions are classes in your own abilities. Even at $100 an hour, what you learn about your body and its capabilities and limitations is invaluable. Mastering the right form, techniques, and movements can save you a fortune in medical bills.
    Purchasing the best gear and all your material needs for the gym is also a requirement for success. Don’t sacrifice comfort for price when buying sneakers, breathable workout clothing, and other accessories. Just as you would indulge in a great pair of jeans, a handbag, or a pair of expensive heels or boots, do the same for your athletic shoes and clothing. Providing yourself with the best healthy staples shouldn’t stop in the gym. Consider upgrading the quality of your mattress and pillows, since good sleep is paramount to your health; or, experiment with investing in organic, chemical-free beauty and cleaning products. How you prioritize your health is the secret to long-lasting wellness.
    All of this does take planning and work, but the payoff is always worth it. Take the time to grocery shop on Saturday or Sunday, stock your refrigerator, and prepare for the upcoming week of meals and workouts, and you’ll be one of the people who succeeds in your health and fitness goals. I know you might be thinking, “I’m not a bodybuilder; I’m not packing all of my food every day!” Think about it this way, though: If you have breakfast before you leave the house and dinner when you get home at night, all you have to pack up are two small meals to flesh out the day. It’s cheaper and healthier, considering that eating just three meals out a week can add up to big bucks over the course of a month.
    I want all of you to have the tools you need to be your healthiest possible self. This doesn’t mean spending extravagant amounts of money purchasing senseless items, but consider staying away from the bargain rack when it comes to health and fitness. You deserve pesticide-free produce. You deserve the best arch support money can buy. You deserve safe beauty products and toxic-free cleaning products in your home.
    Good running shoes: $90; a monthly gym membership: $120; a week’s worth of groceries: $140. A happy, healthy, less stressful, and more productive life? Priceless.