Monday, February 24, 2014

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Things That Burn Calories

By: Unknown On: 3:58 PM
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  • Things That Burn Calories


    1 Eating Grapefruit 

    Eating half a grapefruit with every meal has been shown to increase your body's fat burning power. There is a special enzyme in grapefruit that helps your body burn calories and prevents fat storage. Just don't cover that grapefruit in sugar or sweeteners. 

    2 Taking a Cold Shower 

    When you take a cold shower, your body has to constantly expend energy (burn calories) to maintain your internal body temperature of 98.6 degrees. Try switching off the hot water in your daily shower; it's also a great way to wake up in the morning.

    3 Eating While Standing 

    According to the Mayo Clinic, if you eat a meal standing up, you will actually burn calories while you eat less food than you would have if you were seated.

    4 Knowing When to Hold 'Em 

    You will burn around 100 calories if you play 13 hands of poker. Just make sure you don't lose your life savings in the process. If darts are your game, you can burn the same calories in a single game of cricket!

    5 Kicking Out the Jams 


    Playing musical instruments is a good way to get some caloric burn. Playing the piano for about 30 minutes burns 100 calories! Taking up an instrument is also good for your brain, why not give it a shot?

    6 Eating Spicy! 


    Studies have shown that eating spicy foods can actually rev up your metabolic rate and cause more calories to be burned. So the next time you want to go out for Indian food, order spicy!

    7 Eating More Often 

    If you can eat small snacks like nuts, fruits, and veggies throughout the day, it will boost your metabolism and actually help you burn more calories.

    8 Walking 

    Walking is one of the most simple ways to burn some extra calories in our everyday lives. It's suggested that you spend at least 30 minutes everyday walking or doing some kind of exercise that keeps you moving!

    9 Avoiding Small Conveniences 


    It's easy to burn some extra calories in our everyday lives. By avoiding escalators and using stairs, or walking those few extra blocks instead of jumping on the bus, it all adds up at the end of the day.




    10 Walk When You Talk 

    If you're the kind of person who is on the phone a lot, try pacing or walking around while talking instead of sitting or lying down. Any extra movement and stretching can be very good for your body- and burning some of those extra calories

    Tiny Workouts 

    If you work at a desk or in an office, try doing small exercises during the day like doing leg lifts under the desk or walking up and down the hallway/stairs if you're on a phone or brainstorming. If you use a landline, you can also bring in a rubber cord and do some resistance exercises when stuck in the office.

    12 Chilling Out 

    The cooler your body is, the more energy it has to expend to stay warm, which means more calories are burned. So if you know you'll be sitting around for a while or won't have time to do any exercise, keep the heat down!


    13 Having a Ball 

    If you spend a lot of time sitting or staying stationary, like working at a desk or watching a lot of television, you can use a stability ball to sit on instead of a chair. Stability balls force you to tense more muscles to maintain balance, and as an added bonus, they help your posture!

    14 Taking Your Vitamins! 


    A study showed that people who are deficient in vitamin D lost weight more slowly than those who had sufficient amounts in their systems. If you start a vitamin regiment, make sure to get high quality supplements, not the cheap drugstore stuff.

    15 Drinking Coffee 


    Studies show that caffeine increases the rate that your body can burn calories... So start drinking more coffee! Just not too much... And make sure to brush those teeth after

    16 Snoozin' 

    People need sleep! If you don't get enough sleep, especially over long periods of time, the body's metabolism slows down (which means it's harder to burn calories). So make sure to treat yourself to a couple extra hours of sleep, most people should get between 7-9 hours a night

    17 Eating Breakfast! 

    When you skip breakfast, your body thinks that you're starving and won't start to burn fat. So to keep your metabolism from going into "survival mode," eat something in the morning!!

    18 Chewing Gum 

    Chewing gum actually does burn calories. It also prevents you from mindlessly grazing on different things between meals or snacks.

    19 Cleaning the House 


    Light cleaning (such as vacuuming and dusting) for an hour will burn a little over 100 calories, while more intense cleaning (such as scrubbing appliances or cleaning the bathroom) can burn up to 300 calories an hour. So here's some motivation to keep that house clean.

    20 Dancing 

    Whether you like to show off your moves in front of a crowd, or you're the more private type who shakes it behind closed doors, dancing burns a lot of calories... And it's fun!